Water baptism is one of a handful of practices Jesus specifically gave to his followers. Since day one of the Church, this is how human beings step into the kingdom of God. Baptism involves verbal confession of trust in Jesus as well as whole-body testimony before Jesus' community. As you go under the water, you declare your old life has been buried with Christ. As you come up out of the water, you declare Jesus gives you new life through God's own Spirit. In this way, followers of Jesus confess he is the one true God-man who came to save us from corruption, abuse, brokenness and all that sin has ruined in our world. And one day, he will resurrect our bodies into life forever with him in the New Heavens and New Earth.
To learn more about baptisms and to take the next steps towards baptism, please fill out the form below.
Many people experience the joy of baptism and then later in their journey of faith feel the need to recommit their lives to Jesus through being baptized a second time. We believe Jesus never lies or breaks his promises; therefore we do not re-baptize Christians. Baptism signifies the beginning of our life in Jesus. This means those who have already been baptized and want to recommit their lives to Jesus are encouraged not to go back into the waters of baptism, but to look ahead toward a deeper relationship with Jesus as his disciple. Please contact us if this applies to you.