Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
December 1st | 8 & 10:30am
The first Sunday of Advent we are excited to have our full Church family together for our morning gatherings. Children are not just the future of the church, they are the church and we can’t wait to have them all in our gatherings on December 1st.
Park Hill Kids will be helping with worship, invited to participate in the message through object lessons, and celebrated as meaningful member of our Church body.
First four Sundays of December | 8 & 10:30am
The Advent season is celebrated the four Sundays leading up to Christmas and marks the gift of God’s Son coming to us. Each Sunday centers around a different idea: hope, peace, joy, and finally love. Join us as we celebrate this season through Scripture and candle lighting, and please download our Advent guide below to follow along with either your community group or families!
December 24th | 6pm
Join us for our annual Christmas Eve Service as we worship and celebrate the coming of our Savior as the Word made flesh us. Through candlelight and carols, and with meaningful reflection on the incarnation, we look forward to spending Christmas Eve together with our Park Hill Family.
Every first Sunday of the month | 8am & 10:30am
Water baptism is one of a handful of practices Jesus specifically gave to his followers. Since day one of the Church, this is how human beings step into the kingdom of God. Baptism involves verbal confession of trust in Jesus as well as whole-body testimony before Jesus' community. We have baptisms on the first Sunday of each month at both of our gatherings. If you would like to be baptized, please click the button below.
Every first Sunday of the month | 7pm-8:30pm
We long to see God’s kingdom come in our place and time. We cry out for it. To this end, we’ve set aside the first Sunday of each month as Seek First Sunday at Park Hill Church. This is a time of extended prayer, worship, and prophetic ministry. These nights are vital in the life of our church. We invite you to join us as we ask that God’s will would be done in San Diego as it is in heaven.