Our heart for Park Hill Kids is to see and love children as Jesus did. During the time they are with us each week, we want to instill in them the truth — that they are currently vital and functioning members of the Body of Christ. We explore the Scriptures together to find out who Jesus is, what it means to be His disciples, and how we fit into His great story. Our prayer is that children would follow Jesus early on and cling to God’s word for the rest of their lives.
Park Hill Kids offers classes for children birth through 5th grade during both our 8am & 10:30am gatherings. Check-in begins 15 minutes prior to the start of each gathering.
Park Hill Kids meets in the Command Center which is adjacent to Building 177 in Liberty Station. (see map).
We keep Park Hill Kids safe and secure by using an online registration system called KidCheck. This system allows you to check your child in and out using your phone number or the mobile app. Check-in begins approximately 15 minutes prior to each gathering. If you’re visiting Park Hill Kids for the first time, click below to register.
Baby Dedications
We believe that children are a vital and functioning part of the body of Christ. Because of this, we hold Baby Dedications during our Sunday gatherings. As a church family, we pray alongside parents committing to raise their children in the way of Jesus. If you would like us to pray for your family in this way, please contact us and someone will reach out to you soon.

As a parent, God has given you the incredible opportunity to influence the spiritual lives of your children. It’s our joy, as the church, to partner with you in making disciples.
At Park Hill Church, we are committed to practicing the way of Jesus, together in San Diego. We want every member – adults and children – to lean in and discover what it means to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. We hope the info below provides a path for you and your children to practice the way of Jesus alongside us.
“And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.”
Deuteronomy 6v6-7
Be With Jesus
While we offer a nursery, we recognize that most parents prefer to keep their infants under 6 months with them. We welcome children of any age in our gatherings and love for them to be seen and heard.
For nursing mothers, please enjoy a private and quiet room located directly behind the Connect Room. The Mother’s Room provides a video of the gathering, comfortable couches and chairs, as well as a changing table.
Park Hill Kids is available during both Sunday gatherings for infants – grade 5. We provide developmentally safe and appropriate classrooms for kids to be with Jesus as they play, learn the Scriptures, and practice community.
On Sunday mornings, middle and high school students join the adults to worship together, learn the Scriptures, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. On Tuesday evenings, our Park Hill Youth group gathers to connect and continue learning and growing together.
Become Like Jesus
We believe kids are vital and functioning members of the church. For this reason, we value moments where they can learn from each other, and we create opportunities for them to engage with the youth and adults during our gatherings.
On the first Sunday of every month, parents are invited to bring their children in at the end of the gathering for baptism, communion and worship.
Quarterly, we invite all children to join us for the entire gathering so that we can pray, worship and learn as a whole church family.
We believe being connected to the family of God is essential to the faith formation of kids. Join a Park Hill Community to practice the way of Jesus together in homes across our city.
Throughout Scripture God speaks to whole communities emphasizing the importance of passing faith from generation to generation (Deut 6:6-7, Psalm 78:4, Psalm 145:4, 2 Tim 1:3-5). We offer these resources and various opportunities throughout the year to partner with you in your child’s faith formation.
Do What Jesus Did
Water baptism is one of a handful of practices Jesus specifically gave to his followers. Since day one of the Church, this is how human beings step into the kingdom of God. If your child is following Jesus but has never been baptized, now is the time!
We believe that justice and mercy are central to the Kingdom of God. As followers of Jesus we are all called to engage faithfully in areas of brokenness and injustice in our city and beyond. We encourage you to look for opportunities to serve alongside your children to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8).
At Park Hill, we invite our entire community to grow in giving as an essential part of our discipleship to Jesus. We recognize that everything we have is a gift from our very generous Father. Even the youngest members of our church are invited to give sacrificially as we show the world what God is like.

Our team of leaders work hard to cultivate a safe environment where kids can experience the joy that comes from following Jesus. We have an amazing opportunity to give kids a positive church experience that will impact their thinking about God for a lifetime. We look for opportunities to communicate biblical truths as we interact with kids and guide their relationships with one another. If you’re interested in joining our team, use the contact form on our serve page for more information. All leaders are screened and required to pass certain prerequisites - including a background check - before being allowed to serve with the kids.