Participate in BREAD for 2025
This year, our community is praying daily through the entire story of scripture, using the acronym BREAD as our guide. We are excited to embark on this year long journey through the Bible using the Bible Project reading plan. Now is the perfect time to recommit to this practice, or jump in for the first time.
You are invited to embark on this year long journey through the Bible using the acronym BREAD as our guide. Seek to spend time each day in the scriptures —journaling if you are able— ideally before you turn your phone on.
Find a place where you can encounter God, ask him to fill the space, and then take a minute in in stillness.
Read through the passage of the day, find a verse that stands out or grabs your attention. Write it down.
Take your chosen verse, meditate on it, and consider what God might be saying to you.
Turn your focus outward, and think about how you might practically live out what God is saying today.
Close by writing a simple prayer of devotion to God.
Give us today our daily bread
Throughout 2025, our church will be engaging in a corporate reading of the entire bible using BREAD as a guide. The reading plan we will follow comes from The Bible Project: Bible in a Year reading plan. As we pray through the scriptures together as a church, our hope is to become agents of kingdom renewal in the places we live, work, and spend our time.
We have created beautiful, spiral-bound BREAD Journals for 2025. You can pick up a journal at one of our Sunday gatherings for $20. A digital copy of the BREAD Journal is available in PDF format here.
We have also created a BREAD for Kids Journal so that all of our Park Hill Kids can read alongside the rest of the church body this year! Hard copies of the Kids Journal are for sale at the connect desk on a Sunday morning for $10! Also, a digital copy of the Kid’s Journal is available in PDF format here.