Local Partnerships

Through the following initiatives we get to invade our city with the hope of heaven.


Alpha is a series of conversations, typically run over nine - eleven weeks, about things we all question in life: Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next? If you're looking for a judgment-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion, there's a place for you.

  • There are two ways for you to be involved with Alpha:

    • Volunteer: Volunteers are what make an Alpha course happen! Each course has many roles you can play your part in. From hosting discussion, to kitchen crew- there is a role for you!

    • Participate: Wherever you are in your journey, you are invited to bring your questions and experiences to the table and enjoy a meal.

    If you would like to be a part of Alpha, please let us know by emailing info@parkhillsd.church. In your email, please specify whether you would like to volunteer at, or participate in an Alpha course.

  • Visit: https://alphausa.org to learn more.


GenerateHope is a safe place for survivors of sex trafficking to heal and find restoration in long-term housing and trauma-informed therapy, education, and vocational support. Since recovery from sexual exploitation is a long-term process, GenerateHope provides safety, community, and individualized life skills support to work through the deep trauma and discover a healthy, purpose-filled life.

  • There are multiple ways for Park Hill Communities to partner with GenerateHope:

    • Host a Friendraiser - A GenerateHope representative can come to your community group to share more about sex trafficking and what they are doing to help survivors. It's a great opportunity to raise funds or in-kind donations for them! Learn more here.

    • Volunteer - Check out current volunteer needs at generatehope.org/volunteer. These are practical ways of getting involved and serving survivors.

    • Give - GenerateHope is funded in large part by private donations. Consider joining their support team to impact lives with your giving!

    If you are interested, please email: info@generatehope.org. Thank you for considering serving in this way!

  • Visit: http://generatehope.org/ to learn more.

Hope Leadership Academy

Willie Briscoe, Founder of HLA, had first-hand experience of growing up without a father in the home and desired to fill that gap in homes across San Diego County. HLA is a year-round comprehensive youth ministry that seeks to ensure that youth from fatherless homes in underserved communities receive support, guidance, and a plan to break the cycles of divorce, poverty, and hopelessness.

  • There are multiple ways for Park Hill Communities to get involved with the students at Hope Leadership Academy. We need the following:

    • Consistent volunteers at our after school academies to help with homework, activities, and mentorship (weekly commitment of 2.5 hours).

    • One-time volunteers for our outreaches, outings, and camps (varying time commitments).

    • Prayer volunteers who are willing to adopt students to pray for by name consistently (30 minute weekly commitment).

    If you are interested in meeting one of these needs, please email HLA Volunteer Director, Kyle Younes, at kyle@hla.org. In your email, please indicate how you or your community would like to serve. Thank you for your interest and support!

  • Visit: https://hla.org to learn more.

Olive Crest

Olive Crest is dedicated to preventing child abuse by strengthening, equipping, and restoring children and families in crisis…“One Life at a Time.”

  • There are multiple ways for Park Hill Communities to serve:

    • Friend – Mobilize your community group to wrap around a San Diego foster family in support through meals, babysitting, and prayer.

    • Family – Become a foster or host family by welcoming children into your heart and home.

    • Champion- Provide financial support to serve children and families.

    If you are interested, please visit: https://champion.olivecrest.org/parkhill/. Thank you for considering serving in this way!

Royal Family Kids

Royal Family KIDS Camp (RFK) seeks to create life-changing moments for children who have experienced relational trauma. Through a 5-day camp, children have an opportunity to develop resiliency, self-esteem, hope and positive memories.

  • Park Hill Church partners with For The Children San Diego to put on a Royal Family Kids Camp every year. Please consider participating by giving or serving.

    If you are interested in partnering with RFK, email Arielle Dortch at: arielledortch@parkhillsd.church. Thank you for considering serving in this way!

  • Consider giving to our campaign to raise a total of $60,000 for this coming year's RFK camp. We are asking for 600 pledges which can include a one-time gift of $100 or a recurring donation of $25 over four months. Funds raised will cover the cost of each child participating in camp this summer.


  • Visit: https://www.forthechildrensd.org/ to learn more.

San Diego Rescue Mission

San Diego Rescue Mission lovingly address the needs of those experiencing homelessness through a holistic, Christ-centered approach to recovery and rehabilitation. The Mission Academy is a year-long residential program focusing on wellness, job training and education, employment and housing. They also offer an emergency shelter for women and children. With two new transitional shelters opening up in Oceanside and National City in 2023, their dream to get more people off the streets permanently is being realized. SDRM does not receive government funding, instead, they are partnering with the local church to see revival in our city.

  • There are multiple ways for Park Hill Communities to serve:

    • Donation Drive: Organize a donation drive for urgently needed items, such as towels, new tennis shoes, backpacks or twin-sized “bed in a bag”

    • I See You Kits: Collect travel-sized hygiene products and assemble I See You kits to hand out to your neighbors on the streets

    • Monday Night At the Mission: Host a community-building event at the Rescue Mission. Create an atmosphere of healthy fun where Jesus’ love is freely shared as you interact with our students.

    For more information, please contact Ashley Guzik at aguzik@sdrescue.org. Thank you for considering to serve in this way!

  • Visit: https://www.sdrescue.org to learn more.